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Federal Travel Advisory - Level 3: Reconsider Travel

November, 2023

Reconsider travel to Veiled Pass, WA due to crime.
U.S. government personnel are prohibited from traveling to many areas due to increased risk.
Please r
ead the entire Travel Advisory. 


Violent crimes, such as home invasions, armed robberies, kidnappings, and homicides, are common. These crimes occur frequently, including at all-inclusive resorts.

Local police often do not respond effectively to serious criminal incidents. When arrests are made, cases are infrequently prosecuted to a conclusive sentence. Families of citizens killed in accidents or homicides frequently wait a year or more for final death certificates to be issued by Veiled Pass, WA authorities. Emergency services and hospital care vary throughout the city, and response times and quality of care may vary from the typical U.S. standard.

The homicide rate reported by the Government of Veiled Pass, WA has for several years been among the highest in the Northwestern States of the continental mainland. U.S. government personnel are prohibited from traveling to the areas listed below, from using public buses, and from driving outside of prescribed areas of Veiled Pass, WA at night.

If you decide to travel to Veiled Pass, WA:

Do not attempt to bring firearms or ammunition. This includes stray rounds, shells

or empty casings. The penalties for carrying firearms and/or ammunition, even

inadvertently, are severe, and can include lengthy prison sentences.

Avoid walking or driving at night.

Avoid public buses.

Avoid secluded places or situations.

Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.

Be aware of your surroundings and keep a low profile.

Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. 

Violence and shootings occur regularly in many neighborhoods, communities, and districts in Veiled Pass, WA. U.S. government personnel are prohibited from traveling to the following areas of Veiled Pass, WA due to crime:

Housing District — Do Not Travel 

The Southside Homes neighborhood located on Bakers Crescent is a hot bed for criminal activity. Its closeness to the port means access to drugs and firearms that flood the city and fuel the violence that fills the area and in 2019 it was designated by the federal goverment as HIDTA. Police reports indicate that home invasions, armed robberies, kidnappings, and homicides, are common. It is advised that you do not work, live, or travel to this area.

Business District — Reconsider Travel

The Little Italy neighborhood is the main through fare leading into Washington Square, or the Business District. This neighborhood is known to see increased levels of bank robbery, illegal gambling, and other high level federal crimes such as racketeering and laundering are frequent. It is advised that you exercise extreme caution and use situational awareness if you work, live, or travel to this area.

Industrial District — Reconsider Travel

The Little Moscow area is the main street of the Industrial District located on Ballard Road. As the home of the docks this means that its need to be accessed by criminals from both the southside and the litte italy area make crime commong place. Police reports indicate that illegal grow operations, trafficking and smuggling operations, as well as illegal firearms manufacturing are common. Being a warehouse laden industrial district illegal raves are also common place. It is advised that you exercise increased caution and use situational awareness if you work, live, or travel to this area.

Parks District — Reconsider Travel

The sparse housing located in the Parks District located on Mt. Veil Park Road means that this area is known to see increased levels of theft and burglaries, drug manufacturing such as illegal cannabis farms due to its soil quality, methamphetamine manufacturing due to its access to farm grade levels of supplies of anhydrous ammonia, and illegal firearms manufacturing and modifications. It is advised that you exercise increased caution and use situational awareness if you work, live, or travel to this area. Run if you hear banjos.


Veiled Pass, Washington

A Fictional Roleplaying Municipality inside of Second Life

©2023-2024 by Veiled Pass in SL. 

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