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Roleplay Overview

Roleplaying is a fun and exciting way to interact with other people from all over! You get different communities, beliefs, cultures, and imaginations, and the creative and unique stories that develop through IC interactions are amazing!
To help guide new players into the world of Veiled Pass we've created a simple and easy guide to read through, then apply for citizenship below. 

For more detailed information, or for questions please join our Discord server:

HAVE FUN AND BE KIND! Veiled Pass prides itself allowing the players to have a safe, fun, and creative place to enjoy building creative and unique stories that develop through continued IC interactions! If you think that someone is harrassing or otherwise hinder the enjoyment for yourself and others; you can report this easily through our Discord servers Ticket System.

ADULTS ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS! Veiled Pass is a seedy town filled with victims, criminals, and the corrupt degenerates that flow through its dominion. The situations we often find ourselves in the Dark Roleplay / Urban Roleplay Genre can be immensely graphic, on occasion. As a result all players and characters should be a minimum age of 18 Years. There are no exceptions to the LL/SL ToS, Sorry.

EARN EXCLUSIVE ROLES AND TITLES! Work your way up through your chosen path of criminal or civilian with varying branches of rank inside, should you meet the demands of the job IC. Go from Degenerate to Kingpin or from PD Trainee to Chief if you have the hustle! However, factions and other criminal organizations must have been applied for, reviewed, and approved by leadership and peers, including input from established faction leaders.

NON-HUMAN AVATARS ARE RESTRICTED to domestic animals like cats and dogs (and, yes even chickens, racoons, goats), and /may be killed/ in combat. Animesh pets are restricted to /non-combative/ domestic animals. Please help us to limit lag: attach them only for specific scenes and detach them if the sim is full or if latency (lag) is prevalent.

VEHICLE USAGE REQUIRES a paid permit and is subject to limited availability. We still require you to pick up your vehicle when not in /active/ use.

GUNS ARE ALLOWED BUT RESTRICTED to players who have earned the VP Armed Criminal or VP Armed Citizen privilege.


Golden rule number 1. No Metagaming. This is a rather broad-reaching term that refers to taking any type of information gained 'Out of Character' (or OOC) and using it 'In Character' (or IC) in any way that /may/ provide an advantage to your character, or anyone else's.

The easiest form of Meta is using the Display Name and Group Tags while In Character. For example; if you were to greet another characters by their name, because you saw it floating over their head, instead of them introducing their name to you first, this is Metagaming.
This is a form of power-gaming and is not allowed! This is because, from their character’s point of view, you're strangers to each other, and, have never learned of the other character’s name IC before.

Players should always be cautious when learning any new details in a story they, or friends or associates, are involved in. Always refer to your logs, or check with the others involved, that the actions and words of your character are only based on the roleplay that occurred. 


Golden rule number 2. No Powergaming. This is also a broad-reaching term that typically means; Don't get into the scene 'for-the-win', don't avoid hits, injuries, jail time, and other consequences of your characters actions, and do not force your actions upon others!

There are a variety of ways this can occur, especially amongst newer Roleplayers, with the most common form being; ninja who is somehow capable of making multiple offensive and defensive attempts per post, has ridiculous uberleet milspec character backgrounds and strength, and can dodge every attack; even bullets. 

It's best practice to be just as willing to be the victim as you are the deviant, or the arrested as you are the aggressor. These give and takes make it a more robust character-building experience; not just for yourself, but also for those you cross journeys with throughout your time in Veiled Pass.

Playerone Resident: /me ducks instantly as the cop swings the baton. He then slaps the baton out of the officer's hand then knocks him unconscious.

Player One above; dodges the hit, he then forces a play on the officer, removes the weapon from play, and then writes the other player's story for him; thereby removing the other player's ability to decide the fate, and the subsequent actions, of his character.

Playertwo Resident: /me feels the baton find purchase in his ribcage. As the pain ripped through his core from the possibly broken ribs, he doubled over in intense pain while letting out a scream of agony "Naaaahhhgggghhh.". As he finds himself on the ground he attempts to rise up on his feet using his knees and hands.

This player in good faith and spirit takes the hit like a pro. The rather than focus on going on the offense by attacking from an inferior position on the ground he attempts to rise on his feet to upright himself, leaving himself open for the mercy and grace or evil intents of the other players. You should always only 'attempt' to express your intent and give your opponent the opportunity to react or retreat.

Basic Roleplay Rules

Roleplay Interactions


In roleplay if you wish to impose attempts to extensively injure, maim, or even kill another character these are considered long-term consequences. This includes something as 'simple' as breaking a finger to even  something much more long term and extensive such as rape and murder!
In these scenes and situations we ask that each Player consult each other respectively and honestly first. Remember; if you’re not comfortable with a scene, /you/ must inform the other player immediately and work something out (ie. fade-to-black, escaping, body dump, etc.).


Limits have become a touchy subject in roleplay. Some feel they are a good thing, as they allow someone to declare what is and isn't acceptable to their character. On the other hand; some feel these limits are used to hide behind and avoid the consequences of their actions. We Agree.
Using limits in your profile picks should never provide your character some sort of unfair advantage. An example being that, if a character is in a situation with a gun to their head, the victim must yield reasonably instead of relying on a “no death” limit to force their opponent into a no-win situation.
Should you choose to antagonize your captor don't be surprised if your story stops when the gun fires.

In Character

In Character, or IC, is stating and acting out any words or actions from the perspective of the Character in the story! Its what your Character, not you the player, would think, feel, hear, see, and do. While most things are just stated like this text, usually when a character speaks it is enclosed in quotations such as:

"Yeah, I guess we can go check out that new bar." he said before turning to grab and twist the doorknob in an attempt to leave.

Out Of Character

Out Of Character, or OOC, is anything that has to do with your personal perpective as a player. For example; if you needed to step away from the keyboard you'd say ((Post around pls, AFK)) or if less time was needed you could always say ((Post around pls, BRB)).

Regardless of why, OOC in nearby chat should always contain those brackets around the statement ((Like this!)).

Proper Form

All players should always make sure to emote and take turns when writing posts. A post always starts with the /me command, and, usually includes up to several sentences that describe the character’s physical and verbal actions.  You should only post /once per round/ when it's your turn to post.
You should also only post from the third-person point of view! Third Person reads as if the character is speaking and not the player. Posting from the first-person perspective is too personal, and is often seen as strange and bad form.

Entering Scenes & Post Order 

Proper form dictates that when entering into /any/ new or existing scene, you should move your avatar into position, and observe for at least one /full/ post round. An example of one full post round be if you walk up to a scene, and there are three others, stand there until you have seen all three make their posts in the local chat /before/ you hop into the scene.  Also, when writing an entrance into the scene, be sure to address the characters you want to interact with.

Firearms Privileges in Veiled Pass

To be armed in Veiled Pass a character has to have earned the Armed Criminal or Armed Citizen Tag given by the Admin Team. We award players with new privileges and roles based on presence and role-play interaction with other characters. You can easily boost your reputation by role-playing with other players in scenes, working in a job serving others, playing out hospital and jail times with others, and honestly.. tons of other ways.

Choose Your Characters Path:

Where will your character’s journey begin? Depending on the kind of scenes you enjoy playing we have a few starting paths for you to consider:


Are you ready to work that nine-to-five bank job for shit pay, then pay way too much for that latte, before you hang out with friends as the criminals and the police fight in the streets?


So you have plenty of free time, enjoy dealing with lazy employees & rude customers? Do you enjoy hosting and running events for a measly profit that is then drained by the local government?


Do you fancy yourself as a modern-day thug, or an outlaw biker? How about a mobster or a narcotics kingpin? Come cut your teeth and earn your stripes bullet by bullet and dollar by dollar!


Are you a respectable citizen with no criminal record who believes in following the rule of law, enforcing it upon your fellow citizens, and make sure that  the justice system is uncorruptable?

Veiled Pass, Washington

A Fictional Roleplaying Municipality inside of Second Life

©2023-2024 by Veiled Pass in SL. 

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