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Firearms Overview

In Veiled Pass we encourage scenes where firearms would typically be part of the story! We also want to make clear that as a result of those IC actions, there will be CONSEQUENCES

Open carry is legal in Veiled Pass. Concealed Carry is only allowed through permitting. Once a firearm comes into play in the scene there are a few things you'll need to consider about its usage:

Allowed, Approved, and Banned Firearms

We allow the following firearms to be used:

Semiautomatic Revolvers

Semiautomatic Pistols

Semiautomatic SMGs

Semiautomatic Rifles

The following firearms are banned from the sim unless authorized by an admin:


Burst or Automatic Firearms

Sniper Rifles


The following iteams are banned and are not to be used in the sim at any time:

Ammo other than ball or hollowpoint.

3D, Printed, Ghost, or otherwise custom made untraceables.

Attachments like suppressors, launchers, NVGs, & bayonents.

Any firearms, ammo, or explosives that is not listed above.

Getting Armed in Veiled Pass

To be armed in Veiled Pass a character has to have earned the Armed Criminal or Armed Citizen Tag given by the Admin Team. We award players with new privileges and roles based on presence and role-play interaction with other characters. You can easily boost your reputation by role-playing with other players in scenes, working in a job serving others, playing out hospital and jail times with others, and honestly.. tons of other ways.

Obtaining a Firearm in Veiled Pass

So how would you know if your're eligible to obtain a firearm in Veiled Pass? You'll be told OOC by one of the administrative team members that you are eligible to apply. You may even be assigned the tag in one of the groups then notified of its addition to your character! Either way; Once eligible, you will have the opportunity to apply for the role and obtain the physical objects through the Veiled Pass Pawn Shop.

Who's allowed to use a Firearm IC in Veiled Pass

They will be wearing the Armed Citizen or Armed Criminal Tag. This is a rule, they must be wearing the tag of Armed Citizen or Armed Criminal to be eligible to acquire the firearm and tag through the Veiled Pass Pawn Shop.

Using Firearms when Entering a Scene

Everyone should give themselves time to assess the scene; meaning to wait for one full post-order round after your avatar arrives on the scene, out of basic RP courtesy, before you hop in the middle with your post-in to participate. This is RP 101, and shouldn't be overlooked. That said; entering a scene with a gun pulled under normal circumstances is not acceptable, but depending on the scene and admin pre-approval, may be accepted.

Typically, though not in stone, a good rule of thumb is this: Guns are not to be drawn in the first post and they shouldn't be already out when you enter a scene (one possible series of exceptions: If officers, or gang members, were informed that suspects or rivals are armed, or combative, then... they may be approved to draw in their entry post and enter the scene with a draw of their weapon. 

Using Firearms in a Scene

Firing a gun in Veiled Pass requires you to use two steps no matter the circumstances. 


  1. The drawing of the firearm and aiming. 

  2. Pulling the trigger.


Keep in mind that a maximum of two shots can be fired per post, but you don’t have to fire two.

Roleplay should be fair play; so try to always leave the character you're targetting with the firearm a way out by retreat, compliance, or outright surrender. That said; characters who are targeted should also make it a POINT to either; back down, get away, or give themselves over to avoid being shot. Relying on character limits or talking shit (Fuck yous, begging to be shot again, et all.) is shortsightedness and nonsensical and will not be acceptable

Lost, Stolen, Seized, Confiscated Firearms

If you lose a gun during a fight, or through theft, burglary, or another incident other characters in that scene, with a gun permit, can pick it up and use it. 

If someone without a sim-issued permit grabs that gun in the scene after it is dropped or lost they must request consent from the IC gun owner, if they wish to use it. If not; the only action that can be taken is to toss the gun out of reach of others around or keep it. If tossed; At the end of the scene, only the character who tossed the gun must retrieve and keep or get rid of the gun IC by; throwing it in a garbage can, dumping it in a storm drain, etc IC. 

In this case, where it has been stolen or lost IC, the gun (SL OBJECT) that you were given OOC through inventory when you purchased the gun IC, legally or illegally, should be given to the MUNICIPAL OR CRIMINAL LEADER of Veiled Pass, this is a rule, and must not be overlooked. Again, you are not the only character in the story, others depend on that to happen to follow up scene-wise, like PD, hence the serial numbers on the firearms. This same firearm with serial will be reassigned in the serials db to the character who took it for tracking purposes.

Lastly, the firearm owner needs to file a report with the VPPD to document its status. The last thing you should want as a character is to have your legal firearm taken in any way and used by the criminals of the city. It's in your character's name, your character will be looked at as the suspect, and as a result, will likely have to fight those consequences in a court of law if not documented as lost or stolen.

Remember - when you get arrested, your gun will get confiscated, even if you acted in self-defense or by drawing it and not firing it. 

​If ruled in self-defense, with charges filed or pending, then you will likely be returned the firearm; after processing it as evidence, and documentation, and your possible trial, if required due to injury or negligence. 

If ruled in self-defense and there is no trial or charges; then you will likely be returned the firearm after 72 RL hours and 'ballistics testing' and 'records checking' occur to be sure that no other crimes were committed with that firearm before its return you. If there is, what do you think will happen? Consequences.

Municipal Equipment can only be stolen IC and used with the approval of the admin team. This goes for vehicles; but also includes firearms, ammo, tasers, radios, vests, et all. Our admin team typically will grant permission for that scene to occur however it is very important that they know first so stories don't get voided after you've put in the effort.


It is important to us to notify our municipal lead, and our team lead, be it Police, Hospital, or Fire/Rescue, when their equipment is stolen. Approved stolen equipment is only used for one scene, not the entire storyline.

Stealing  Firearms and Equipment from the City

Kevlar and Plate Armor

Kevlar or Plate Level IIIA vests are allowed for officers on duty only. Level III may be allowed in certain situations depending on Admin Approval. An exception can be made for some criminals, if the story fits the characters, through IC establishment and the logs of that RP, to be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Admins.

-Silencers- are not allowed, as there is no such thing. However neither are sound suppressors, typically, but an exception can be made by the Admin Team, if it would fit the storyline. Again; we are not other sims. We know that sound suppressors are not silencers. Although they do reduce the concussion of the sound, to the rear of the firearm, we have ears so we know that if you're downrange of the barrel: the shot will still be heard. This isn't some magic item; that removes sound from the world. It reduces the sound produced at the muzzle but down range the sound is still loud and would be clearly heard.

Suppressors aka Silencers

Ammunition is either hollow point rounds or ball rounds. The sim does not recognize mil-spec rounds, custom-made rounds, or drugs for that matter, nor novelty nor exotic rounds.

Alternative Ammunition

Overview Appendix

Section 1: Firearms & Consequences

This needs to be made clear because as a player; if you're looking more for the win, and focused more on your ability to do as you please without what should have been considered; CONSEQUENCE, then you're going to have to learn a new way to play in Veiled Pass.


If you, as a player, believe that a gun will end the scene or that "you don't want to get shot" as a result of drawing or carrying your firearm; you're probably better suited to play IC as a regular citizen without a carried firearm in Veiled Pass.


In the case of the common citizen let's say; you do choose to own and carry a firearm. it's likely for home defense. As a citizen or business owner, guns should only be used in self-defense, in a situation where you or another RP’er are in consequential danger (ie imminent threat to life), and can likely prove that fact in the city's court of law.


For example; when you are outnumbered in a combat situation and need to fight to live

A good storyteller will ensure that their character would react realistically to their impending doom, death, or destruction. They would consider the firearm deadly and retreat, or cower/submit and beg (not antagonize, talk crazy, or beg to be shot), or you would fight when a gun is drawn.


You should /expect/ when someone has a gun drawn and aimed in the direction of your character; that your character will get shot, and have to go to hospital, and likely end up in jail, or worse; die. This is 'life' IC. This is the way.


You are a player of one character, in one scene, in a storyline that involves others, even if unintentionally. This includes the municipality, the factions that reside in certain areas, the citizens, the press, the courts, the hospital, law enforcement, et all.


In Veiled Pass; if you use or get shot by a firearm, or both, it's proper form to play out the medical treatment, deal with the legal investigations that follow, as well as your injuries, and the arrest, and possibly serve the time.


Hopefully, your character's actions, which lead to all of those consequences, don't piss off the local faction(s) that control whatever area your character fucked up in. Consequences are not secondary here. 

Section 2: Using Firearms in a Scene & Consequences

Roleplay is back and forth like a two-way street. IF; the character who is at the disadvantage, being the focus of that intent and firearms aim, DOES NOT back down, retreat, surrender, or fight we see that as PG. That makes it your story, not a story. 

Whatever sim you came from may allow that however; This will not be tolerated in Veiled Pass and it will not prevent all of the others involved in the scene over time; PD, FD, Hossy, Lawyers, Factions, Et All, from playing through in that storyline and, possibly depending on the egregiousness, the end of your characters story in Veiled Pass.

Veiled Pass, Washington

A Fictional Roleplaying Municipality inside of Second Life

©2023-2024 by Veiled Pass in SL. 

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